The night started when I ended up having two passes to a Dodger game. Normally I take both of my boys to games, but tonight I could only take one. Rather than choosing between the two, I asked my seven year old Erica if she wanted to go. She said "yes," so we planned our trip.
She is a fan of Yasiel Puig so I had bought her a shirt last year. I asked her what Dodger shirt I should wear and she wanted me to wear my Puig shirt too.
I like to stop outside Dodger Stadium to eat so that I don't have to buy a lot of food inside the stadium. Wendy's is one of Erica's favorites so we went there. When we got the receipt the lady told us we were order #66.
We got to the stadium and took this cool picture from the parking lot.
Time Warner Cable has set up some activities under the left field seats so we decided to head down there. The Lockers are one of our favorites because you get free stuff.
Each one of the lockers has a little prize in it: a rally towel, string back pack, magnet schedule, reuseable ice pack or something like that. You can usually ask the "Locker Fairy" for one of those things and you'll get it if you are nice. Well I have seen some people get Dodger tickets or seat upgrades, so I thought I would ask for that. I said "Normally I come with Erica's two brothers but this time Erica got to go. It would make her brothers really jealous if she got a seat upgrade." The locker fairy said I'd just have to guess which locker the tickets were in. So I opened up a locker that had a rally towel. Erica got a magnet schedule and we move on to the Vin Scully press box activity.
While we were there one of the workers from the lockers came over to see us. She said that she told her boss how cute Erica was and suggested that we come over and play the locker game again. She said who knows you might win a rally towel or something. So we went over and played again. The line was long this time. When we finally got up there Erica asked for a rally towel. The Locker Fairy shook a locker to let Erica know which one to choose. But there was no rally towel inside. Instead there were tickets to the Dugout Club!
Pretty cool stuff. We sat in the third row of the bottom section. We were closer to home plate that the on deck circle was. Awesome seats! All because my daughter is so cute! Oh and by the way the seats also came with free food! - great food. We had fresh fruit and some fish fillets. Plus there was also a ton of candy. Erica really liked that. She didn't grab a whole bunch though. I think she had a hard time with the idea of all you can eat at a Dodger game. Here are some of the pictures from our seats.
Great, great time with Erica! The only bummer was that the Dodgers not only lost, but got shut out. But still the best seats I have ever had at a Major League Baseball game, and I got to share it with my super cute little girl!!! :-)